Programs.Our programs have a strong focus on personal development. The foundations of our morals, values and core character traits are formed in our early years. For this reason, the programs at Fuji Foundation are an essential way to enhance the growth and personal development of young students of all ages.
Partner with schoolsWe partner with schools and communities around you, so you actually doing all the exciting activities with people you might know in the future.
Teaching ProgramsThis large collection of cross-culture teaching lessons teaches younger students about global art craft, habitats, countries, and cultures.
Culture eventsKids get a sense of culture and global responsibility via kid-friendly activities and great global social events.
We are exciting to have you at our exciting ActivitiesIn long history of the world, the essence of culture needs to be promoted and passed down for thousands of years. Therefore, the cross-culture education under the Fuji Foundation adhere to the educational concept of children's self-reliance and cultural heritage, innovate while inheriting culture, and advance with the times in the "root-seeking journey
Our Students Come with FunWe hope that everyone could start with small things and deliver more happiness, health and love to more and more people.
We Promise You the best Experience we have joined forces with Chinese and American arts teachers from all walks of life and cultural elites. We are eager to bring this unique part to more people who want to understand arts, games and Cross-culture. Through such an event, They have the opportunity to understand, communicate and learn in all aspects.